Dance Notes
Lindy Hop Ideas
No thumb hand hold
Focus on more flowing swingout technique, less strain on right hand (move right hand lower on follower's back?)
Frame in swingout. Don't let shoulders roll forward
Move whole body backward to lead the swingout. Allow follower to come to you on her time
Follower can swing out forward or backward - leader releases quickly to allow this
Jig kicks basic
Study style of 1947 film Juke Joint. What footwork are the leaders using? In and out figure/sugar push. Swingouts with 4 steps in closed. Leader's hips a-movin
Try open position variations: apple jacks, boogie back, boogie forward, tacky annies
Study Jamaica Lindy film
Feel whole body in each motion. Try dancing while focusing on just one member, e.g. right hand, face, shoulders
Try not to say anything that could sound condescending to dance partner